CandidateZip and Tovuti Integration
Minimizes the manual efforts in extracting data from resumes and fastens the recruitment process with CandidateZip+ Tovuti integration. Interested to know how?

What's New with this
Select CandidateZip as Action:
Create your login at CandidateZip.
Go to Zapier to start using the CandidateZip app.
Signup or login to your Zapier account.
Select Tovuti as a Trigger:
Choose an action event from the given options and click on ‘Continue’.
Sign in to Tovuti.
Specify a specific job and stage to limit by.
Save and Continue based on the option selected
Set the rules to test it and click on finish
Your Zap is created.
Benefits of
CandidateZip+ Tovuti Integration
Save Time on Data Entry: With an automated resume/job data extraction, recruiters can save a lot of time.
Automated Process: It minimizes the manual efforts in extracting data from resumes and fastens the recruitment process.
Simplify Resume/Job Extraction: With a simple three-step process, you can streamline data extraction.
Close Jobs Quickly: As recruiters can extract resume/job data quickly, it helps them to close more jobs with a few clicks.
Connects Directly to Tovuti: You can extract resume/job data and store it directly into Tovuti.
About CandidateZip
CandidateZip is a global provider of fast and easy hiring workflows for recruiters. They can automate your hiring workflows and find the perfect fit with our innovative tools. It helps recruiters who need to extract resumes/jobs data into their ATS/CRM quickly. Easily set up this automated extraction process in three easy steps.
What's Unique About CandidateZip?
Save 100% time on data entry
Extract 80% faster resume data
Automate data entry with our three-step CPP process
Simplified resume/job extraction just a click away
Supports 300+ CRM/ATS/Database and 400+ source of your resumes
What is Tovuti?
Tovuti is an all-in-one, cloud-based learning management system. Tovuti gives you all the tools you need to create, deliver and track the effectiveness of your eLearning programs. Its innovation helps you share your ideas with the world. It helps in delivering branded websites underneath their own company websites.
Tovuti, Zapier, and others are among the trademarks of the respective companies. Other names and brands may be claimed as the property of others. Candidatezip doesn't own and represents any of these brands/trademarks.